
Stay connected with our academic community through the University Convocation – where alumni shape the future of the University of Limpopo

What is Convocation?


Whereas we, the graduates and former students of the University of Limpopo, having appreciated the role played by the University in shaping our current academic and social status, and bound together by our common attachment to the university, and having noted the need to further contribute in various respects to the life of University of Limpopo, and bound by these common goals, herein resolved to form an association which will forever bind us to University of Limpopo.


Convocation: The Convocation of the University consists of all persons who are or become graduates or diplomats of the institution, the Principal, Vice-Principal, the Registrars, academic employees and former full-time retired academic staff of the University.

The Convocation is the largest stakeholder body concerned with governance at the University; consisting of number of graduates. While the term ‘alumni’ is generally used to describe former students fairly loosely, the membership of the Convocation is specific, and defined by the University statute which states that membership is restricted to ‘all persons who are or become graduates of the University’. It is also lists a number of University office bearers who become members of Convocation by virtue of the office. This includes the Principal, the Vice-Principal, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor and the Registrars. It also includes Academic employees on the permanent staff of the University, emeritus professors and other retired academic employees, who have been on the permanent staff continuous employment for not less than 10 years immediately prior to retirement.

The Relationship between the Convocation and the Office of Alumni Affairs of University of Limpopo

While the Convocation is a statutory body which elects representatives to an Executive Committee (EXCO), the Office of Alumni and Convocation is the University department that is responsible for the administrative support of the Convocation as articulated by EXCO. In addition, Alumni and Convocation office plays an important role in building up relationship between graduates, students and staff


Our mission is to: –

  • Unite Alumni members of the Convocation of the University of Limpopo;
  • Raise funds for the University of Limpopo;
  • Participate in constructive decision making in the structures of the University of Limpopo through our representatives and thereby assisting University of Limpopo to attain a high level of academic excellence and continuously improve its image;
  • Ensure that University of Limpopo graduates remain attached to University in appositive manner; and
  • Provide support service to members of the Association in order to enable them to strive effectively for their vocational and career growth and to affect the aims of the University of Limpopo through appropriate programmes.

In line with the stipulations of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No.101 of 1997) and the University Statute, the Association shall have its objectives as follows: –

  • To assist the University in attaining and maintaining a high level pf academic excellence;
  • To help in promoting the image of the University;
  • To promote the Association nationally and internationally thereby ensuring its growth and survival;
  • To engage in fundraising in order to enhance the financial position of the University;
  • To promote unity of purpose among Alumni through constant contact with all Alumni countrywide by establishing branches in various provinces and foreign countries;
  • To participate in the Council of the University of Limpopo and any matter referred by it;
  • To serve as a forum for Alumni;
  • To serve as an effective communication and information instrument amongst members, and between members and the University;
  • To support the University in attaining its strategic goals and objectives; and
  • To liaise with alumni association and convocations of other tertiary institutions.
Executive Committee

The Executive shall comprise of: –

  • The President;
  • The Deputy President;
  • The Secretary; (Registrar)
  • The Treasurer;
  • Council Representative; ( Elected from EXCO)
  • Provincial/ Chapter Chairpersons;
  • Additional Members (Three); and
  • The Vice Chancellor ( Ex-Officio)