Centre of Academic Excellence
Transition seamlessly to higher education with confidence, guided by our free mentorship and academic writing support services.
About Us
To be the heart-beat of sustainable innovative development in teaching and learning excellence
A centre which responds actively to teaching and learning developmental needs and success of UL staff and students through professional intervention and support programmes
Specific Mission related goals
- To enhance access for underprepared and for socially and economically disadvantaged students in particular, and to provide expanded study and life support services to all students of the University in order to ensure success in their studies; and
- To provide planned opportunities for the development of all staff of the University, particularly of the academic staff, in respect of their teaching and learning as well as teaching-related research skills.
CAE strives to serve through being:
- Warm & Welcoming, with the readiness to be resourceful;
- Available and Accessible;
- Diligently and honestly considerate.
- Principled with integrity; and
- Open-minded to Deal with Constructive Criticism.
Welcome Message
Thank you for your interest in the Centre for Academic Excellence (CAE), at the University of Limpopo. The CAE is an academic service centre that promotes quality learning and teaching at the University of Limpopo (UL) through various programmes meant to develop and support both staff and students. Part of its mandate is on one hand, to support academic staff in their development as expert teachers as well as facilitate and support a ‘community of practice’ in which dedicated teachers interact, learn and support each other. On the other hand, CAE is mandated to promote student academic literacies and develop and support academic writing skills as well as study skills. In other words, we offer an exceptional and extensive range of programmes, attracting considerable interest and participation by the UL community.
The Centre enhances the University’s mission of teaching and learning excellence and champions the advancement of scholarly teaching and learning. Major priorities in the development and support of both students and staff include:
- Developing the capacity of students and academics, to be more successful in the university, in terms of the core reasons why they are participating and/or in terms of the functions they are performing in the university.
- Provision of programmes that promote high levels of academic success for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
- Encouraging innovative research and scholarly publication on teaching and learning.
- Contributing to the development of policies, initiatives, and campus-wide culture that supports excellence in teaching and learning.
- Engaging with students, individually and in groups through course support and other learning initiatives.
- Promoting communities of practice to support pedagogical research and encourage current and lifelong learning.
- Evaluating the impact of the curriculum on student learning and achievement of graduate attributes.
We are available to assist you in various ways including enhancing your skills in teaching and assessment, developing and supporting your students in their learning, to name a few. Thank you for browsing the homepage of the CAE. You are most welcome to visit different pages of our website to find out more about services provided to academics and students at the University of Limpopo. Enjoy!
Prof. Owence Chabaya
Director, Centre for Academic Excellence
Director's Biography
Prof Owence Chabaya is an Associate Professor and currently the Acting Director for the Centre for Academic Excellence at the University of Limpopo. She holds a PhD in Educational Management, a Masters in Teacher Education and a Bachelor of Education degree. She has been working in the field of student and academic development for over a decade, apart from having been a university lecturer of Sociology of Education, Psychology of Education, Philosophy of Education, Curriculum Development and Teacher Professional Development for several years at various tertiary institutions.
Prof Owence has published academic articles extensively in various journals and her research areas include among others, academic staff development, issues in higher education, gender and education as well as issues in education. She has presented 28 papers at national and international conferences. She has also published 42 journal articles and 5 book chapters. In 2014, she won two Vice Chancellor’s Excellence Awards at the University of Limpopo for being the best female researcher in the institution as well as being the best researcher in the Centre for Academic Excellence. Prof Owence has a keen interest in issues of gender equity and seeing women getting justice in all spheres of life.
Teaching and Learning Evaluations
Teaching and Learning functions as the unit responsible for analysing raw data [in order] to derive meaningful insights. Data analytics is a scientific approach to examining data with the aim of drawing conclusions and making informed decisions based on the information available.
The unit plays a crucial role in assisting the university in optimising its performance, improving efficiency, and making strategic decisions. Broadly speaking, the unit’s responsibilities encompass descriptive analytics (examining past events), diagnostic analytics (understanding the reasons behind occurrences), predictive analytics (forecasting future events), and prescriptive analytics (providing recommendations for future actions).
Its focus is on:
- Student Evaluations
- Student Satisfaction Surveys and Graduate Employability Surveys
- Identification of High-Risk or At-Risk Modules
Baditi Student Support Programme
Students’ academic life in higher education is highly demanding and extremely daunting leaving students feeling lost and overwhelmed at times. Centre for Academic Excellence (CAE) has number of support systems in place to help students make this transition as comfortable as possible.
BSSP is a student mentorship programme that assist students by providing them with mentors who are trained senior students. Mentors address students’ academic and social needs through study and life-skills sessions as well as facilitating students’ understanding of their academic course content. Mentors also provide support and guidance in terms of the adjustment to life at university, and know where to refer students should psychosocial needs arise. The BSSP pairs first-year students with trained senior student in a mentoring relationship that can significantly improve their university experience and ultimately their chances of academic success.
Do not hesitate, find a mentor who will:
- Meet you virtually on a weekly basis as a group with other mentees, or on a one-to-one basis
Access a mentor by sending email to
- Email subject line: Request for Student Mentor
- Email content: Surname & Initials, Student Number, School, Degree Registered, Level of Study, Module of Concern, Contact Details (preferably WhatsApp) or indicate otherwise.
Do want to be a mentor?
- Any student in second year and beyond can apply to be a mentor with 60% average.
- The recruitment process is open throughout every year.
- Send an email to and request the application form.
- Email subject line: Application for Student Mentor.
- Email content: Surname & Initials, Student Number, School, Degree Registered, Level of Study, Module of Concern, Contact Details (preferably WhatsApp) or indicate otherwise.
- Rigorous interview to assess applicants’ ability to engage and training follows before they meet their mentees.
BSSP Slogan: “Once a mentor, always a mentor”
Tutorship Programme
Tutorship programme entails additional contact time where students engage with learning material in a supervised and supported environment. Senior students, mainly engaged with post-graduate studies, are recruited and trained to support during the tutorial sessions. University of Limpopo Tutors have various responsibilities in supporting the learning and development of UL students.
Their responsibilities include:
- Facilitation of Learning
- Conduct of Small Group Sessions and Provision of Individual Support
- Assist with Assignments and Assessments
Overall, the responsibilities of the University of Limpopo Tutors revolve around supporting student learning, providing academic guidance, promoting student engagement, and fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment. By fulfilling these responsibilities, tutors contribute to the academic success and holistic development of students within the university setting.
Reading and Writing Centre (RWC)
The Reading & Writing Centre (RWC) is one of the student support programme at the University of Limpopo to help enhance writing, reading and speaking communications. RWC builds confidence in those that think they do not have academic writing abilities. RWC can also help you when you need developments in certain areas even when you are a strong writer, we can help you at any stage of your writing process. In this programme, senior students are recruited and trained as Language Consultants (LCs). Their work is to assist students in interpreting and writing their essay, assignments, discussions, etc. in line with the expectation of their lecturers. You can do your assignments, before submission bring it to the centre for assistance. Remember, they will not do the work for you but they will help you organise and present it in a better way. The LCs are also assisting with the formal modules that are designed for assisting first entering students with reading and writing competencies in the Faculty of Sciences and Agriculture.
RWC offers the following:
- Reviews, consultations & feedback of academic documents
- Online appointments for one-on-one feedback
- Presentation or oral communication skills
- RWC Writing Competitions to assist you develop as a writer.
- Training, teambuilding, motivational days
For those who want to become our Language Consultants (LCs)
- Any student from 2nd level who enjoy reading, writing, speaking and communication.
- You are required to represent strong desire to help other students
- You should have passed all your modules with 60% and above.
- English module will be added as an advantage.
RWC Operation Hours
Weekdays: Monday to Friday
Hours: 08h30 to 16h00
RWC Contact Details
Tel: 015 268 4779
RWC Slogan: “Leaders are Readers”
Supplemental Instruction Programme
The Supplemental Instruction Programme (SI) deals with traditionally difficult modules that are consistently showing low students’ pass rates. Senior students (SI Leaders) who have successfully completed the module are recruited and trained in SI principles to effectively conduct sessions for those students still registered in the module. SI Leaders address students’ academic needs through study sessions to promote students’ understanding of their academic course content. These sessions are conducted through online platforms and contact based. These are voluntary sessions and are opened to all students enrolled in the module irrespective of their academic performance. The SI Leaders also assist student who are referred from various sections regarding challenging modules. The SI Leaders receive monthly stipend.
The SI Objectives are:
- To improve student performance
- To increase continued enrolment
- Improved learning skills, such as:
- Thinking and reasoning
- Responsibility and Reflection
- The main goal of SI, however, is to create independent students.
Who can apply to be an SI Leader?
A University of Limpopo registered students from 2nd level and above (based on the notion that you have passed the module with 60% and above).
What are the minimum requirements?
- You must have passed the module by at least 60%
- First year modules: SI Leader must be registered at second year or higher.
- Second year module: SI Leader must be registered at third year or higher.
- Third year module: SI Leader must be registered at fourth year or Honours or higher.
- Be able to attend at least 50% of the classes (even online) for the module in which you are appointed.
- Applicants should be fully registered.
SI Operation Hours:
Weekdays: Monday to Friday
Hours: 08h00 to 16h00
Tel: (015) 268 4131
Staff Development and Support (SDS)
The Centre for Academic Excellence (CAE) through the Academic Staff Development and Support (SDS) Unit, uses a multimodal approach in offering support to academic staff members. The role of the Unit is to advance the scholarship of teaching and learning for all academic staff members at the University of Limpopo. The Unit is committed to providing academic staff members with developmental opportunities and to ensure that they can contribute fully to the achievement of the strategic goals of the university particularly strategic goal number three (3). Through the Unit, academics and practitioners are engaged in a variety of activities related to teaching, learning and assessment as well as self-development and growth. They are also required to conduct research, interact across disciplines and publish articles and good chapters.
All these activities require support and coordination for advancing the scholarship of teaching and learning at institutional level. The focus areas of the SDS are the following:
- Workshops on Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- Annual teaching & learning symposium
- Annual Institutional Teaching & Learning Excellence Awards
- Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education & Training (PGDHET)
- African Perspectives of Research in Teaching and Learning (APORTAL) Journal.
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
- nGAP (New Generation of Academics Programme)
- New Academic Staff Induction
- Future Professors Programme
- Staff Training Workshops on Teaching Learning and Assessment
The unit facilitates workshops on teaching, learning, assessment and other curriculum related activities upon request by faculties, schools and departments across the University of Limpopo. The unit also organises and co-ordinates workshops facilitated by practitioners and experts from other institutions upon request. A request for such services should be made three weeks in advance to allow time for finance related processes.
- Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium
The Academic Development unit organises an Annual Teaching and Learning symposium for academic staff members whereby award winners of HELTASA and/or other teaching and learning practitioners of note in specific disciplines are invited to come and share their experiences with practitioners at the University of Limpopo. We send out an invitation to the symposium two months in advance to practitioners across the university.
- Annual VC’s Teaching and Learning Excellence Awards.
The call invitation for applying is sent out to the university community through different platforms. Details on the application process and the criteria for developing a portfolio are provided in the call. The unit organises a maximum of two Portfolio development workshops for academic staff members, in preparation for the Annual UL Excellence awards. Academics who are interested can then apply for the Teaching and Learning Excellence awards by submitting a complete Teaching and Learning portfolio which also indicates the category applied for. The Portfolio should be submitted in accordance with the provided requirements and guidelines.
- Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education and Training (PGDHET)
The Department of Higher Education and Training has encouraged institutions of Higher Education to make conceited efforts in improving teaching skills of academics. In response, universities have put in place various programmes to promote professionalization of lecturers. The goal of professionalising academics as teachers is to enhance student learning. In this view, professionalisation of teaching in higher education has been found to be vital for lecturers. The PGDHET programme offered to academic staff at the University of Limpopo requires them to implement what would have been covered in the formal sessions in their classrooms and then reflect on their “new practice. The Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHET) is a part-time, two-year programme which consists of 6 modules offered at an honours level. To gain admission into the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education a potential student should possess at least a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent and currently be engaged in teaching and learning in a higher education institution.
The PGDHET provides a member of academic staff of an academic institution, with a professional qualification for teaching in Higher Education. Provision of such a qualification is in line with international trends. The aim of the PGDHET is to equip a member of academic teaching staff with the background, theory and principles of education.
- African Perspectives of Research in Teaching and Learning Journal (IBSS Indexed)
African Perspectives of Research in Teaching and Learning Journal (AP0RTAL) which is an initiative of the UL’s Centre for Academic Excellence (CAE) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles encompassing a range of current topics related to teaching and learning from all fields, disciplines and subjects. Articles may be rooted in disciplinary, interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary domains. The main thrust of the journal is directed at bringing to the fore discussions, debates and issues as they pertain to teaching and learning across a wide spectrum of education contexts in Africa without a commitment to a particular approach, methodology or worldview. It is concerned with and devoted to high quality articles that unravel, explain or problematize contemporary complexities of teaching and learning. It also embraces the ideal of building a new generation of teaching and learning scholars through the promotion of primary research by new and established researchers. The journal publishes three issues per year (1 special issue and 2 normal issues) and articles may be rooted in disciplinary, interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary domains.
To those who would like to access the journal may visit
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
The RPL programme serves to enable prospective applicants to access programmes offered by University through recognition of their prior learning. Such applicants are required to put together a portfolio of evidence that is used to assess their prior learning and skills.
There is an increased number of students applying for admission through the Recognition of Prior Learning. CAE organises the RPL workshop yearly to train both the Heads of Departments and staff members on RPL and its processes. Some key issues covered during the workshop include:
- RPL Legislative framework, Intents and purposes, Principles and execution
- Theoretical Perspectives and Assessment Models: Course Model, Block Credit and Model Competency Model , Assessment Instruments and Case studies
- National RPL Policy and CHE Policy on RPL
- Institutional RPL Policy, Institutional Structures for the execution of RPL
- RPL cases, reflections, and application of the knowledge and insights gained
- RPL as a specialized Pedagogy and Curriculum Mapping
- Institutionalising and Legitimising RPL
- Faculty and Departmental RPL Plans
Two RPL workshops are organised each year for the same group of a applicants who shall have sown interest to attend the workshops. The first workshop is a more academic and theoretical one conducted by an RPL practitioner and specialist or consultant. The Second workshop is conducted by an ETDP SETA which gives the attendees certificates upon completion of their assignments and or portfolio.
Those who complete this workshop and submit their assignments/portfolios become certified as Competent RPL Assessors. They assist their faculties in evaluating the RPL applicants in their faculties.
- nGAP
The CAE is mandated to facilitate the nGAP programme, which is a is a six-year programme split into a three year period of development phase followed by a second three year period of induction or early career phase. This programme is coordinated by the SDS.
- New Academic Staff Induction
The CAE is also mandated to conduct the New Academic Staff Induction Workshops for academics who are newly appointed in institution. These workshops are organised twice a year- one for each semester either face-to-face or online and run for 5 days.
A call is sent out to the UL community and all academics who are newly appointed to the University are requested to register and attend the induction workshop.
During the induction workshop, presentations are made on teaching, learning and assessment; and all the Student Support Centres and or structures are invited to present on the services they render to students and staff at UL. There is a follow-up induction for the discussion of the induction homework and group work feedback followed by a brief certification ceremony.
Enquiries for all SDS activities:
CAE Staff
Prof Owence Chabaya CAE Acting Director Email: Tel: (015) 268 2475 |
Prof Newman Wadesango Senior Academic Practitioner: Staff Support and Development Email: Tel: (015) 268 3161 |
Mrs Manosi Lekota Senior Secretary Email: Tel: (015) 268 3439 |
Dr Mpho Modipane Academic Practitioner Staff Support and Development Email: Tel: (015) 268 3131 |
Mr Collen Hlungwani Academic Practitioner T & L Evaluation Coordinator Email: Tel: (015) 268 4205 |
Ms Mabore Thosago Academic Practitioner Student Support Unit: BSSP Co-ordinator Email: Tel: (015) 268 3141 |
Prof Maupi Letsoalo Academic Development Practitioner: Teaching & Learning Unit Coordinator Email: Tel: (015) 268 3109 |
Mrs Evelyne Chia Academic Practitioner: Staff Support and Development Email: Tel: (015) 268 2707 |
Mr Mosimaneotsile Mohlake Academic Practitioner – Student Support Unit: Reading & Writing Programme Coordinator Email: Tel: (015) 268 4779 |
Ms Agnes Mohale Academic Practitioner – Student Support Unit: SI Supervisor Email: I Tel: (015) 268 4131 |
Dr Tebogo Lekota Academic Practitioner – Student Support Unit: Tutorship Coordinator Email: I Tel (015) 268 4144 |
CAE Contacts