Open Access Resources

Peer-Reviewed Open Access Resources (Always Freely Accessible)

  1. African Journal Archive: full-text journal articles published in
    Africa comprising of 700 issues and 150,000 pages of journal archives of academic, scholarly, institutional, museums, and professional research organizations in Africa.
  1. ArXiv: an e-print service in the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, and quantitative biology.
  1. BioMed Central: eJournals in science and medicine.
  1. CSIR Research Space: full text repository of research output of the CSIR.
  1. Elsevier Open Journals: eJournals for scientific, technical,
    and medical content.
  1. Hindawi Journals: Engineering, Life Sciences, Mathematics, and Physical Sciences resources.
  1. In-Tech Books: eBooks within the fields of Science, Technology and Medicine.
  1. Open Access Journal Publishing: latest African scholarly research.
  1. Open Access Publish in European Networks: academic eBooks in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences.
  1. Open J-Gate: gateway to global journal literature in open access domain.
  1. OpenDOAR: directory of academic open access repositories.
  1. Oxford Open Journals: eJournals in humanities and social sciences.
  1. Sabinet African Journal Archive: African journal literature dating
    as far back as 1906, originating from a wide base of publishers and societies on the African continent
  1. Springer Open Books: eBooks covering all areas of
  1. Taylor & Francis Open Journals: eJournals across many research disciplines include the
    Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Science, Technology and Medicine sectors.
  1. The MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT): resources promoting the use of the Internet and
    web-based multimedia resources in higher education.
  1. Wiley Open Access: eJournals across many research disciplines including biology, chemical and
    health sciences.
  1. World Bank Open Data: includes World Development Indicators, Global Development
    Finance, Africa Development Indicators and Global Economic Monitor.
  1. WorldWideScience: gateway to global science information.

Freely Accessible Peer-Reviewed Resources During the Coronavirus Outbreak

  1. AccessMedicine COVID-19 CentralAccessMedicine channel for the latest information on the COVID-19 global pandemic.
  1. Africansunmedia: specialist supplier of publishing, print and design services for the higher education market and the private sector.
  1. Cambridge University Press textbooks: teaching and learning resources across a wide range of disciplines.
  1. Cochrane: high-quality up-to-date systematic health related reviews and other synthesized research evidence to inform health decision making
  1. Directory of Open Access Books:  a searchable database of scientific eMonographs
  1. Directory of Open Access Journals:  a searchable database of scientific eJournals
  1. EBSCO Faculty Select: Open Educational Resources (OER) as well as more than 225,000 DRM-free EBSCO eBooks™ from top academic publishers.
  1. Elsevier COVID-19 Clinical Toolkit: clinical resources and tools focused on the latest evidence-based practices for COVID-19 covering topics from symptom management to diagnosis, treatment and ongoing wellness.
  1. EpubBooks: classic English fiction eBooks collection of over the last four hundred years
  1. GeoScienceWorld comprehensive resources for researchers in the Earth Sciences
  1. Google Books: previews and full-text access to eBooks. Access to Full-text books is for books that are out of copyright or books which Google received permission from the publisher to reproduce.
  1. Hathi Trust Digital Library Repository:  access to public domain and in-copyright content from a variety of sources, including Google, the Internet Archive, Microsoft, and in-house partner institution initiatives.
  1. Internet Archive: Ebooks and texts containing a wide range of fiction, popular, children, historical and academic books and texts.
  1. JSTOR Archive Journals In Public Healthtopics addressed include Epidemiology, Health Policy and Administration, Occupational and Environmental Health, Health Equity and the Culture of Health, Aging, Bioethics, and Health Promotion.
  1. Mason OER Metafinder: a real-time simultaneous search across 21 different open educational resources
  1. NCBI Bookshelf: eBooks and documents in life sciences and healthcare.
  1. OAPEN Library: academic eBooks mainly in humanities and social sciences.
  1. Ohio State University Press: monographs and linguistics eTextbooks
  1. Open Book Publishers:  ebooks and e-textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
  1. Open Textbook Library: 700+ higher education eTextbooks
  1. PLOS (Public Library of Science): eJournals in science and medicine.
  1. Project Gutenberg: first and largest single collection of free eBooks that are out of copyright in the United States.
  1. Project Muse: eJournals and eBooks from university presses and scholarly societies.
  1. Springer Nature eBooks: free access to a range of essential textbooks from all disciplines
  1. Wolters Kluwer Health Clarity: COVID-19 Resources & Tools (Coronavirus Resources)
