The Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Limpopo in collaboration with the University of Venda invites you to submit abstracts for their 3rd Biennial Research Conference titled “Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3 by 2030: Facilitating and constraining dynamics in the Africa context while promoting the health and well-being of all individuals”.
We invite academic scientists, researchers, and scholars from South Africa as well as globally to submit original research papers relevant to all aspects of:
- Maternal and child mortality (under-five)
- Communicable and non-communicable diseases
- Mental health promotion strategies
- Substance abuse prevention and treatment strategies
- T raffle road injuries and deaths
- Sexual and reproductive care, family planning and education
- Universal health coverage
- Illnesses and deaths from hazardous chemicals and pollution
- Gender equity and Gender based violence
The program provides opportunities for networking and peer-to-peer discussions.
Closing date of abstract submission: 15 July 2024
Abstract Submission Guidelines and Format
(a) Guidelines:
Abstracts must be structurally written in:
- English,
- Arial font, font size 12, 1.5-line spacing,
- Word-count of 300 or less (excluding the title and authors),
- All data must be in narrative form, without tables and figures,
- No references and abbreviations.
- Title: The title should be short, precise, and explain what the study or research project entails AND where the study was conducted. It should not be more than l 2 words, excluding the place where the study was conducted. Author(s): The name of the presenting author must appear first and be underlined.
- Background: This section should describe what is already known about the subject, what the gaps are and what the study intends to examine (1-2 sentences).
- Objective(s): These should be specific. Use measurable verbs based on the main aim of the study or research project.
- Methods: The methods should include study approach, design, the participants, setting, and the data collection and analysis.
- Results: Summary of the results should be aligned to the aim of the study and should support the conclusion of the study.
- Conclusions: Conclusions based on the results. Recommendations if any. Keywords: 4-5 keywords of relevance to the study.
Note that: Abstracts that do not comply with the above will not be accepted. (b) The format
Please provide the following information on the cover page.
- Surname and Name
- Affiliation
- Discipline/Department
- Independent Researcher /staff /student (postgraduate/undergraduate)
- Email address
- Tel/cell number
- Oral or poster presentation
Please submit abstracts to FHSResearchDay@ul.ac.za
Due date for registration and payments: 16 August 2024.
- Students Online Registration is at R 1500.00 (N.B: for students, both proof of registration and proof of payment must be attached)
- Online registration payment at R 2500.00. Reference for Proof of Payment: FHSConference
All registration fees are to be paid using the STANDARD BANK ACCOUNT with the following details:
Name of account holder: University of Limpopo
Account number: 030131405
Account type: Business Current Account
Branch: Polokwane
Branch code: 052548
Branch code (electronic payments): 051001
For enquiries, please contact:
Ms. BMaleka
Prof. DT Goon
Prof. L Makhado
Prof. AS Mulondo