School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Local communities have relied on our farm for subsistence – our students have received invaluable training for decades from it
The Syferkuil Experimental Farm (SEF) is situated 9 km northwest of the main campus. The primary objective of the SEF is to provide practical training facilities for students and research facilities for staff and students.
The farm is required to generate a significant amount of its financial resources. Thus, sound management and economic principles are employed on the farm. The farm is also used for community outreach activities. On average, three groups of schoolchildren or smallholder farmers visit the farm each month. The annual Information Days attract practical farmers and receive support from the Agricultural business community.

The farm consists of 1 600 ha of natural grazing land, 25 ha of non-irrigated cropland and 80 ha of irrigated cropland. Seventy-seven hectares of the irrigated land is served by an automated linear irrigation system: 40 ha are used at a time in rotation for cultivating winter or summer crops.
Summer crops include maize, soybeans, sugar beans and sorghum. Different cultivation practices, such as zero and minimum tillage, are compared. Lucerne is planted on 7 ha for the production of hay and hands-on practical classes for students. Planted pastures for intensive sheep grazing have been established on 2 ha. One hectare is used for winter pastures rotated with summer crops.
A small vegetable garden and a 0.75 ha vegetable research block are utilized by researchers and students. Applied research on irrigation and fertilizer methods are practised in this section. There are two 10-ha plots fitted with separate irrigation systems used by researchers and students for research on field crops. A citrus orchard with different cultivars of oranges, easy-peelers, lemons and grapefruit is used for student practice and demonstrations.
The following livestock units also provide opportunities for demonstrations at farmer’s days, student training and for research: Bonsmara and Nguni cattle as well as a dairy unit; Dorper and Bapedi sheep; Boer goats and Saanen milk goats as well as crossbred Red Kalahari goats, crossbreds with adaptable indigenous Bapedi goats, ostriches, broilers and layers; and a few horses.
Acting Manager
Mr. F.H Nndwambi
Office No: University Experimental Farm
Tel: 015 268 3629
Admin Officer
Ms. M.P Mphogo
Office No: University Experimental Farm
Tel: 015 268 3611